- 844-4-TELERAY (483-5372)
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EMR Integration:
TeleRay integrates with EPIC, Cerner, and many other popular EMR vendors. Most projects can be completed in less than 2 weeks.
■ Enable radiology reports to be posted into patient charts
■ Embed web viewer links directly in patient records (image enablement)
Legacy Study Migration:
TeleRay cloud storage is a cost-effective solution for any size “on-premise to cloud” migration. TeleRay’s bulk-upload software is capable of migrating studies to cloud storage with no user intervention required.
Turnkey Hardware:
Hardware is delivered preconfigured and customized to your site: enjoy plug-and-play convenience! In addition, support software is built-in for easy access to TeleRay technicians.
For Developers:
Use the TeleRay development API to extended functionality and create custom workflows specific to your project requirements.
Current API features include cloud storage upload, anonymization, and more. Custom API functionality is available upon request.
Custom HL7 Interface:
TeleRay can interface with HL7v2 and FHIR to enable:
■ Message Routing
■ Radiology Report Creation
■ Custom EMR integrations
DICOM Modality Worklist:
TeleRay provides a simple worklist client to query and display patient demographics and appointment information. The client also implements procedure step protocols to relay status information back to the worklist server for a complete workflow solution.